
Xbox Game Pass Streaming Cloud will soon come to Safari

Cloud-based game streaming has not made late headlut unless you calculate the negative press obtained by the Google Stadia. In fact, the news streaming the latest game once again puts the stage in a less profitable position, even if it’s not about Google services at all. Microsoft let it know almost in the past that the Xbox Pass Pass Cloud game will multiply to the web browser in the next few weeks. It includes safari, which will be the gate of the Xbox Cloud Gaming Pass into an iPhone and iPad, something that has not been reached by the Stadia.

Apple clearly does not want streaming game services on its platform, especially cellphones, at least not without its customary controls and tax. The last compromise will force the service to find Apple approval for each title they want to provide to stream on Maco and iOS. It is clearly an agreement breaker for people like Microsoft and Xbox who choose roundabout solutions instead.

Last April, the Xbox announced the beta testing phase for Xbox Cloud Gaming in the web browser. To be clear, the Stadia has worked on Chrome, including in MacOS, and compatibility is a hit or MISS with other chromium-based browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi. What makes Microsoft’s announcement important is explicit support for safari, official web browser on Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

Now Microsoft announces that the beta test is over and that the feature will be available for all Ultimate Xbox Game Pass customers in the next few weeks. Except for other sudden policy changes from Apple, this has the potential to mean the official arrival of streaming game services on Apple mobile devices. This also means that the Xbox will include more devices than Stadia, especially because the latter is only available on certain Android phones.

This Xbox Cloud Cloud Gaming TipBit is actually only a small part of the Microsoft Big Xbox pass pass announcement. It includes its convolution to the Xbox Series X console in the backend, promising better performance. However, a more ambitious revelation is its commitment to present the new first party game to pass the game every quarter, which will put it in front of the competition, consider it able to follow the schedule.

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