
How Many Emails Do Moms Of School Kids Write Each Day?

Make no mistake about it, modern moms – especially those with school-age children – are masters of multitasking and (somehow) compressing maybe 32 hours worth of stuff into each 24 hour day.

And they do a heckuva job of it, too!

Thankfully, though, moms today don’t have to juggle all of these responsibilities alone.

Technology has improved by leaps and bounds over the last ten years, particularly in the productivity department, to give moms some “secret weapons” they can use to keep the family organized, to keep things on track, and to keep their sanity!

Below we run through how modern moms of school-aged children are using email to significant effect, leveraging this powerful technology to help lead happier, healthier, and more productive families without a whole lot of extra effort.

Have A Simple Email System

The first rule of using email to better organize your life as a mom with school-aged children is to create as simple an email system to use as humanly possible – and then avoid adding ANY extra complexity that isn’t necessary later down the line.

It’s effortless (and tempting) to want to build out this overly complex email system to manage everything you’ve got going on, but that’s only going to lead to more headaches and frustration.

No, keep to a simple system – emails in, emails out, and a handful of filter tags to keep your inbox clean and uncluttered – and you’ll be able to knock this part of your day out in a hurry.

It doesn’t hurt to have a set time that you handle your emails as a mom with school-aged children, either. You might want to knock this out early in the morning, somewhere around lunch, or later in the afternoon (before the kids get home from school). Maybe you even want to tackle email three or four times throughout the day, especially if you have a lot of email flow that needs to be handled.

Systemize this too, though, by scheduling your email time. You’ll find it helps keep you on track!

Keep Emails Short And Action Oriented

Another temptation busy moms are going to have to face down is the temptation of wanting to pour hundreds if not thousands of words down in each email, getting everything they have in their heads out onto this “digital paper” and getting it over to their intended recipient.

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