How to

How to Show Your Patriotism

Patriotism is something that has sadly been demonized over the past few years. However, you shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about loving your country and believing in freedom. Whether it’s July 4th or any other day of the year, the ability to show patriotism is a privilege that should not be taken for granted. What follows are some specific ways you can show your patriotism regularly.

  • Learn the Issues and Vote

The most patriotic thing you’ll ever do happens in complete privacy. It’s not running through the streets waving a flag or setting off fireworks on Independence Day. It’s as simple as pressing a button in a booth. We’re talking about voting, of course.

Voting is one of those things that Americans often take for granted, when it’s actually a very rare privilege that few people in the history of the world have ever had the opportunity to do. And it’s even rarer that we have a system where the American public (by and large) trusts the integrity of the process. When you vote, you’re actually helping to keep democracy alive.

There is one caveat, however. Only vote if you’ve taken the time to research the issues and understand the policies. A blind vote is actually worse than not voting at all. You need to make sure you understand what you’re voting for, so that you’re able to do your part in making the country a better place.

  • Dress the Part

While it certainly pales in comparison to voting, there’s something to be said for dressing in a way that expresses patriotism. Nine Line t-shirts and tops are a great way to share your love of freedom and the American flag. Wear them loud and proud!

  • Support Veterans

One of the best things you can do is support veterans in ways that make them feel cared for, loved, and valued. There are a number of practical ways to do this in your community, including:

  • Join the VA’s volunteer transportation network and donate your time and/or vehicle to help veterans get to medical appointments.
  • Say “thank you” whenever you see a veteran out in public. Pay for their meal, shake their hand, and let them know that you appreciate them.
  • Provide financial support for groups that are working to fight against veteran homelessness, mental illness, suicide prevention, etc.
  • If you own a business, consider hiring veterans to work in your company. Not only will this be a blessing to them, but it’ll be a huge blessing to your business. Veterans are typically very disciplined and poised under pressure. 

You never know when a small act of kindness or support will make a big difference in a veteran’s life. Proactively seek out opportunities to serve those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice for us. 

  • Learn How to Fly the Flag

The American flag is the ultimate symbol of freedom in the world. And while there’s nothing holy about it, per se, the U.S. Flag Code requires it to be treated in a very specific way. This includes:

  • Never letting the flag touch the ground
  • Never flying any other flag higher than the American flag
  • Moving the flag to a safe and dry position during inclement weather

There are a few other rules that you’ll want to observe as well. By taking the time to learn how to fly the flag, you can ensure you’re being respectful and appreciative of the ultimate icon of freedom. 

  • Teach the Next Generation

One of the greatest fears of patriotic Americans is that the next generation of young people will have little-to-no understanding of what patriotism and freedom are. Many of today’s young adults can’t even tell you basic facts about the constitution, how the government works, which branches are responsible for what, etc. It’s up to us to teach the next generation!

Never Take Freedom for Granted

When you’ve spent your whole life in the United States, it’s difficult to know anything other than freedom. And in that regard, it’s easy to take freedom for granted. But all you have to do is look at other nations – even ones that have their own version of democracy – and you’ll quickly realize that no other nation offers as much independence as the United States. Regardless of what the national media may tell you, that’s something to celebrate. Do your part and show your patriotism!

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