If you’re ever involved in an accident and sustain injuries that cause you to take time off work, one of the first things you need to do is contact a personal injury lawyer.
But as is the case in virtually any profession, some practitioners are better than others. So, you need to know how to find the right personal injury attorney to file your case and represent you.
What follows is a look at five things to look for in the type of lawyer you’ll want in your corner.
- Specialization
There are many different areas of law. So, a lawyer specializing in one area might not be as knowledgeable in other areas. You need a personal injury lawyer if you’re involved in a car accident, workplace accident, or slip-and-fall mishap. A jack of all trades won’t do. Some lawyers dabble in various areas of the law, but you should find one who is focused.
A personal injury lawyer who takes on personal injury cases entirely will be a good candidate. But in addition to finding a personal injury lawyer, select one who has represented clients in your shoes. So, if you are in a car accident, find a lawyer who has helped victims of car accidents.
- Experience
It would help if you also found a lawyer who has been practicing personal injury law for a long time. Yes, experience matters. You don’t want to roll the dice and hire a lawyer who has only been in business for a few months or even a few years. It’s best to find a personal injury attorney with a track record of success. You’ll find it easier to research a lawyer or law firm with a track record over more than a few years.
- Reputation
Finding a personal injury lawyer with a good reputation from past clients is also critical. Again, some service providers are better than others. You’ll want to find someone highly regarded for their services to personal injury clients. You can check out online reviews to get the information you need. There are online sites where people can post reviews about their retained lawyers. Looking at some of these sites might help you develop a shortlist of candidates to consider.
- Recommendations
Another way to find a reputable personal injury lawyer is to get recommendations or referrals from people you know. Sure, it’s good to look at reviews online. But you’ll find personal recommendations from people you know and trust to be more impactful. The recommendations you get will, at the very least, give you some names to follow up on.
- Expense
You’ll also want to ask about the cost since there are various expenses involved in any personal injury case. Ask any attorney you’re considering how they are typically paid — both in terms of legal fees and disbursements. Disbursements refer to costs the attorney incurs while investigating your personal injury case.
Some lawyers want disbursements up front and others will collect disbursements by deducting them from any final settlement related to your personal injury case. You’ll also want to know if the lawyer you hire wants to be paid an hourly rate or if they will take a percentage of whatever you’re awarded at the end of your personal injury case.
If you take these tips to heart, you’ll be well on your way to finding the right personal injury lawyer for you. It’s essential to find a reputable and reliable service provider to get the help you need. After an accident, you may face months or years of recovery. So, getting a settlement will help you pay for treatment and pay your bills when you cannot work. Finding the right personal injury lawyer to represent you will be well worth your effort.